Yasuhiro (Yasha) Asaka
IRC Nick:
on Libera Chat -
or+44 7937 962 126+81 90 6509 7532
GPG keys
General purpose
- Fingerprint:
70CC BB7D E229 78EA C0C9 45EC 68D2 A3B0 548E 2A48
- Public key:
- keys.openpgp.org,dl.grauwoelfchen.net
- Fingerprint:
9C9B 21F6 9D77 6E11 C2F8 8173 5331 0F17 5C61 91B7
- Public key:
- keys.openpgp.org,dl.grauwoelfchen.net
A programmer. I'm hacking on Gentoo/Funtoo Linux.
Recently, I grow Komatsuna. It resembles Spinach in shape and taste.
My hometown is Yokohama, but my soul comes from Zürich,
and my heart is in somewhere in Switzerland ;)
- Gentoo Linux / Funtoo Linux , OpenBSD , SLiM , StumpWM , Xterm , Vim , SKK
- Dvorak , Atreus / Kinesis Advantage Keyboard
Programming languages
- Recent interests: Rust, Swift, Elm, Racket and AWK
- Working experience: Rust, Go, Python, Ruby, PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript, Vimscript, AWK, Perl, C, Objective-C, C#, Haskell, Java and Erlang
- Salad, Yoghurt, Coffee and Chocolate
- Ice Hockey, Yoga
- Reading, Playing Piano
- Drawing, Knitting/Crocheting
Recent drawings
Recent knitting/crocheting work
Software Developer, Free Programmer, Embedded SRE or DevOps/Build engineer LinkedIn
But... mostly work at own firm, Lupine Software LLC
- Master's degree of Technology in Information Systems
- Bachelor's degree in German language and literature
- Linux Foundation Certified Cloud Technician (LFCT)
- Microsoft Certified Security, Compliance and Identity Fundamentals
- Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate
- Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Silver
- Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist 10.4
- Diplom Deutsch in Japan Grundstufe
As a way of exploring a stable open source business for free software products by making ideas public and considering fair use of anonymised analysis data, I took on the challenge of working on these patents for my own firm. They have been accepted in Japan and EU, and registered in Japan, Switzerland and Germany. And then, I let them all expire :-D
Natural Languages
Japanese (Native), English (B2+ - C1), Deutsch (B1 - B2) and Schwiizerdüütsch (A1)
I like to support products which help my activities, teams or people who are on their own.
And I set a small amount of recurring donations via Open Collective etc. as possible. Please let me know if I can provide any help.
You might want to consider supporting them, if you don't yet ;)
- Fosstodon
- Codeberg
- Woodpecker CI
- Rocket Web Framework Foundation
- Stylus
- Open Web Docs
- Octobox
- rust-analyzer
- CryptPad
- async-rs
- pytest
- Inferno.js
- Internet Archive
- Wikipedia
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- ...and some individual software engineers, graphic designers
By occasion
When install new OS or setup new laptop etc.
- Gentoo Foundation
- OpenBSD Foundation
- Vim (ICCF Holland)
- Free Software Foundation
- One Laptop per Child
- Internal auditor, website maintainer at Die Studiengemeinschaft für Germanistik im Germanistischen Seminar der Rikkyo-Universität Tokyo